Katagum Irrigation Project is part of the 125,000 hectares identified as Jama’are Valley Project area in early 1970’s by Messrs. SCHULTZ International Consultants. The project has an estimated gross potential area of 8,700 hectares, which is presently under construction as a Pilot Project located near Katagum town on the Northwestern bank of the River Katagum. The river has large catchments in highlands south of Ningi town in Bauchi State and is presently uncontrolled. The river flow during the wet seasons spreads out over the low laying flood plains, which is 1 – 2 km wide. So far 100 hectares of land has been developed to pilot the project using the existing shallow aquifers within the flood plains near Katagum Town. The Authority initially piloted the project using 2’’ petrol pumps for water abstraction from the tube wells. Recently however, solar powered boreholes option has been developed in order to reduce operation and maintenance costs of the project, which is expected to reduce the production costs of the farmers and increase their net income from crop production. Arrangements are underway to engage a consultant for the detail study and design of the best bet option of the project for full implementation.